
Collie Flower Farm

Snow Happy

Snow happy! 

Kids aren't the only ones who love snow. We farmers also appreciate it. While everyone in northern Illinois has been enjoying our mild weather thru December and early January, I have been anxiously watching some of the 800 bulbs I planted this fall eagerly poking their heads up thinking it must be spring because of the very mild temps and a lot of rain. Although I'm glad to save money on plowing, I was very worried that all my work would be for nothing. I was so glad to see the cold and snow finally show up over the last 2 weeks. Thankfully, only green shoots had started so the bulbs will recover. If anyone has had the same worries, as long as the flower buds did not appear, your bulbs will survive. The cold has put them back to sleep and the snow will provide a blanket to keep them comfy until spring really rolls around.

This is my second year as a flower CSA and I'm so excited to see all that color. I will also participate in a Flower Growers class at the University of Wisconsin in Madison next month. I hope to learn more about  sharing my passion for flowers with all my CSA subscribers! 

Meanwhile the collies, Ross and Sydney, will curl up by my feet while I plan my flower beds and enjoy some hot chocolate and snuggle time.


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